Sacred Beauty Oil is a customised glow oil, made uniquely for you based on your skin & energetic needs. Using this oil will not only help your skin glow, but you will glow all from the inside; even through your energetic system. It is not uncommon to get comments like “you look radiant”, “there is just something about you” when you use this oil because it Activates your energy from the inside.
Sacred Beauty Oil is made with a customised blend of natural essential & carrier oils. This is based on the premise that essential oils have their physical & also energetic components. So, while one essential oil can clear acne, it might also help you open up your authentic voice. While one oil brightens the skin, it may also have the energetic capacity to support you in your life’s mission.
So, how do I know which oils to use for each person?
Using my unique knowledge of essential oils & in my capacity as an intuitive therapist, Energy Worker & the power of Divine Guidance, I ask Ori/God/Holy Spirit what specific oils you need to be your best self & glow at your best in this season of your life.
This is also taking into consideration your skin’s condition and skin’s needs. So, the result you get is beautiful glowing skin & radiant energy.
I also ask the exact formula that you need. And because no two people are the same and no two people have the same energy, therefore, no two people have the same formula.
Finally, the Oil is imbued with proprietary energy such that you are supported & your fullest potential is activated from the inside. It also dispels negative energy & interferences in your energy system.