It may interest you to know that there are seven major reasons why this Shandalis special yoghurt is the best and second to none:
1. No thickener (Stabilizer or emulsifier) yet very thick
2. No Preservatives
3. Low sugar (Honey option)
4. Low fat
5. Great Taste
6. No artificial flavor and excellent with natural fruits and nuts – Banana, water melon, apple, strawberry, tiger-nut, groundnut, cocoanut, walnut, cashew nut, almond etc.
7. Just Natural
Good yoghurt generally has the following nutritional and health value
- Easier to digest than milk
Contributes to colon health,
Improves the bioavailability of other nutrients,
Boosts immunity
Aids healing after intestinal infections
Can decrease yeast infections
A rich source of calcium
An excellent source of protein
Can lower cholesterol
Yogurt is a “grow food.