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@ThriftStoreNG started in 2016 after @Wumituase got a lot of enquiries via her blog as to where to shop affordable wears. After running a poll to see if people would shop Thrifted items and getting negative feedback, she decided to still give it a try and it’s been a one-way success ever since.

We have been getting bigger and don’t intend to stop growing anytime soon.

Korede joined Thrift Store NG in October 2017 and the two ladies began to put plans in motion to transform the store from a small Instagram thrift shop to an online marketplace where all thrift lovers in Nigeria can buy and sell affordable, top quality apparel.

We have built long-lasting relationships with our customers, mentored other Thrift stores and made our presence known in the Thrift business as a Noble & Absolutely Dope Thrift Store.

Nigeria’s first online Thrift Marketplace. Anyone can buy, sell, and donate fairly-used stuff. We pickup. We deliver. Thrifting is an attitude! 

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