6. Practice Your Pitch You are the greatest salesperson for your business startup. Whether you are looking to secure funding from an angel investor or looking to gain more customer loyalty, you need to have a pitch on the ready to tell anyone and everyone you come in contact with. Be concise in your approach…
Running a business is no easy task; your to-do list seems to never end. From monitoring expenses to handling customer enquiries, resolving complaints, and keeping track of employee work schedules, you tend to feel overwhelmed. What you need is a good app to assist you with these tasks. There are thousands of applications out there…
Many small business owners are very good at what they do – from HVAC and automotive repairs to graphic design, IT or accounting services. They honed these skills while working for others – and at some point decided “I can do this on my own, make more money and have more time”.And yes, they can.…
As an entrepreneur, staying organized can be very demanding. However, technology-propelled innovation has changed work propensities, daily administration objectives and the way tasks are being accomplished. Efficiency is important for any entrepreneur that is continually juggling different tasks as the quicker you can access information and execute, the faster your organization will be built. Mint:…