Welcome to the concluding part of the series “Put your Finance together!” Let’s do a quick recap, shall we? In the first article in the series, we talked about the importance of being financially secure and the discussed the four elements of Financial well-being according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). In summary, the…
The advent of social media has helped to introduce the concept of ‘social media for professional networking’. Slowly, ‘in-person’ networking is being overpowered by simply connecting to social networking sites. It’s all part of the phenomenon of social media that engages tens of millions of internet users per day. In today’s ‘networking space’, it is…
By Oyinlola Oresanya (@oyinnlola) Making a Financial Plan Create a vision statement. In the book, the Smart Money Woman, Arese Ugwu talks about creating a vision statement. “We get so bogged down with the reality of our everyday lives, bills, bills and more bills that we forget to focus on the vision. For most people…
By Oyinlola Oresanya (@oyinnlola) As the proverb says, “Money does not grow on trees!” Money can however grow when you wisely save and invest. Securing financial well-being is one of the most important things one needs in life. It doesn’t take a genius to do this. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) release of January…
Written By @oyinnlola You have to figure out how to spend money before you can make it. Yes, you got that right. It is just the same as saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. A budget is a plan to control your finances. It is an unpleasant experience to run out of cash…
A positive attitude and a lot of passion are absolutely necessary to running a successful business over the long term. Your passion and dream will be your motivation during this process. However, the daily ups and downs of running a business, along with the occasional misstep, will often diminish your motivation. This can have severe consequences. Without proper and long…
How well you are able to manage other people will determine whether or not your business is successful. This includes finding the right place for yourself in the company’s actions and for hiring employees. Choosing employees who are capable, competent, compatible, committed and who fit into your company’s culture will ensure that the day to day aspects of your company…
Once you have determined that you have the necessary traits, skills and passion to become an entrepreneur, the next step will be to start up your dream business. #2 Getting Started Getting started with your dream business may be the easiest part of the process or it may be the hardest. It really depends on…
You’ve heard of euphoria, right? It’s derived from eustress, the positive stress that motivates, focuses energy and excites. Most people probably don’t realize that there are two kinds of stress — eustress and distress. Unlike eustress, distress is negative stress and, in the short term, distress stimulates the body’s fight or flight response, activating the sympathetic nervous…
If you have not been saving regularly and prudent with your spending before now, your bank account may suffer a serious drain during economic recession. To increase your wealth and reduce the effect of depression on your finances, adjust your personal banking habit by following these rules. Use less of credit card: Stay away from…