I presented on two topics at WebSummit 2018 in Lisbon on November 6th. The slides and videos of those two presentations can be found below. The videos are provided courtesy of WebSummit.  Special bonus: for those interested in the fun side of life, I have added a video that I put together walking around the…

The current crisis stresses our need for value-based physician care. Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Americans are worried, and the financial markets are terrified. The number of detected individuals with coronavirus (COVID-19) is ticking upward, schools are closing, lawmakers are considering price-gouging legislation and waiving fees to encourage the poor and uninsured…

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or the CEO of an enterprise-level business, the key to your success will be in how you manage your employees. After all, it’s good for the bottom line since your management style will reduce turnover. Also, a better boss encourages employees to become more engaged, resulting in a profitability and productivity…

We recently released Part 1 results of our private SaaS company survey in partnership with KBCM Technology Group (formerly Pacific Crest Securities). This is the sixth annual survey we’ve produced together, which provides data to help SaaS companies benchmark their performance against their competition. In Part 1, we covered growth rates, go-to-market trends, and CAC Rations and CAC Payback. We’re excited to share Part…

A company is like an organism: If it stops moving, it will atrophy. When it’s time to hire a new executive, it’s important to pick someone who can keep things moving forward. Internal candidates could get the job done, but the best options may lie outside the business itself. Here’s why hiring external executives can…

Here’s how to avoid sabotaging yourself and your business. March 18, 2020 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. “If you want to be successful, why are you wasting time thinking about how much you don’t want to fail?” It was a simple question that changed how I approached business and life. Fear…