June 22, 2020 7 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With an estimated 100 million new businesses launched globally each year, the chances of coming up with an entirely unique business idea literally become slimmer by the second. However, even if a similar product or service, you can still offer a…

Do you really have more freedom as an entrepreneur than as an employee? The answer: Yes and no. The primary complaint with the typical 9 to 5 schedule is that it simply leaves you too freaking tired to do anything personally fulfilling after work. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go…

Remember that ridiculously cheery, borderline creepy scene from Mary Poppins where the children (rightfully so) complain about having to clean up their room? (If you weren’t forced to watch that movie in kindergarten like every other normal child on earth, the entire song the ensues revolves around a “spoonful of sugar.”) I was never a…

The 10-year-old kid, selling ice cold fresh lemonade on the street corner in your local neighbourhood had it right. He or she may not have not realized it but the simple marketing strategy that they accidentally and innocently came up with works perfectly on the people strolling by on their daily walk. For starters, a…

How important is branding to you as a small business owner?Do you think that branding is just an overrate dword and not actually a necessary business strategy? In the world of today, it is not enough to have a unique product or offer impeccable service, there has to be an extra you are bringing. If…