The Corporate Affairs Commission has taken company registration to the next level. The new online registration system has greatly improved efficiency such that a week is more than enough to register a business name or limited company. Here is how you can now incorporate your company by yourself using the  CAC online service: 1: Do…

#1. Set Financial Goals As an entrepreneur it is very important for you to develop clear financial goals – short-term, medium-term and long-term. Consider what financial milestones you want to hit in six months, a year, 5 years and 10 years from now, and write them all down. Setting financial goals helps to guide and…

Many modern-day  moms face a pressing need to stay home and take full responsibility of those adorable little ones without having to worry about the dangers they are exposed to and also give them all the love they deserve. Yet they would not mind doing some business from home, to augment the family income Here…

Self-doubt, uncertainty and fear are all emotions that can impact a person’s ability to start-up a new business. Many entrepreneurs feel the pressure of investors, partners and employees relying on them. In order to overcome the mental roadblocks that can slow progress, there needs to be a wholehearted commitment in every area of building a…

Could a stranger enter your office and operate your business? They could if you have a business model that defines each step of your business process. Create one by using a simple business template that provides actual business processes. Start with an outline of what you do each season of business. Sell Product or Services…

A great small business always starts out as an idea, but you have to transform that idea into action. That’s where many individuals can start to feel overwhelmed. It’s understandable to freeze up at the deluge of things that are required to get a business started, but getting going is actually easier than you might think.…

Most companies seem to be large amounts of data these days. The projection is that 40 zetta bytes will be created by 2020. Regardless of whether you are B2C or B2B company, data is relevant to the overall working of your business. Not only does it help you accurately target prospects, but helps address privacy…

When you first set up your business and decided that you were going to sell things to customers, you probably started thinking about the costs that were going to have to go into a store. You will have to find the location and build it, hire employees and manage them. You will have to make…

Public relation is a vast term, which is required by individuals as well as business. Especially if you are a public figure like a sports person, a politician, an actor or a big business. Public relations contribute to what people think about the business or the individuals. Therefore, hiring proficient PR firms which provide superior…