Most companies seem to be large amounts of data these days. The projection is that 40 zetta bytes will be created by 2020. Regardless of whether you are B2C or B2B company, data is relevant to the overall working of your business. Not only does it help you accurately target prospects, but helps address privacy…

When you first set up your business and decided that you were going to sell things to customers, you probably started thinking about the costs that were going to have to go into a store. You will have to find the location and build it, hire employees and manage them. You will have to make…

It is not always possible to master all kinds of foods. Due to this reason, the establishment must come up with the concept of catering business and be dedicated in specific catering events and types of dishes to be prepared and served. The concepts of a good catering business incorporate the chef, the menu, the…

One should know the chances of a business thriving through its early stages as a business grows exponentially if you take your time to prepare. Startups can be a funny thing, the moment you start is the moment you realize that you are running a real business. Founders need to be calculative about matters such…

Loyalty is trustworthiness and commitment. It helps in building a foundation in any relationship-including business. Even the customers expect companies to be loyal towards them. To serve this purpose, companies implement Customer Loyalty Programs to build trust among them. Customer Loyalty Program is a long term marketing effort made by all types of businesses to…

In the last decade social media has changed the face of marketing. Across every industry, for small and big brands, public network has created a platform to advertise and sell products and services. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have created new opportunities for even small businesses to grow. So if your business does not…

Being an entrepreneur and a socialite makes things a bit unpredictable at times. It’s not like you get any days off. So, how do you manage the competing demands of a busy household and a business that has huge demands on your time? Being an entrepreneur can be very demanding, and you have to emerge…